Working Hours Monday - Friday 08:00-16:00
Toll Free 1800.899.900

With its inception in the year 2019, Paripurna Interior Studio is headed by the young interior designer duo, Neha Raturi and Varsha Varma. Ever since their graduation, our founders have been acing every design project that comes their way with utmost meticulousness and integrity.


Neha Raturi



A flair for Design”, “A knack for expressing my ideas”, “Patience is best virtue” – These are the principal attributes I consider that I possess.

“Design is not merely aesthetics; it is about crafting a narrative within the confinement of four walls.” With her beliefs vested in this notion, ID Neha Raturi is known for infusing soul into all of her design initiatives. Her design philosophy resonates deeply with her passion to connect with people on a personal level. With an innate ability to weave tales through textures, colour palettes, and furnishings, she believes in creating spaces that reflect the uniqueness of her clients and their aspirations.

Ever since she has treaded the path of an interior designer, Neha's journey has been all about keeping it real. No jargon, just a commitment to understanding your vision and bringing it to life. Her designs speak a language of comfort and style, making your space a reflection of you.

Varsha Verma



“Designing is a profession that allows you to turn dreams into real-life stories, capturing what makes each person’s vision special,” shares ID Varsha Varma, the co-founder of Paripurna Interior Studio. She believes that every space has a unique tale to tell and her job is to convey that story with utmost authenticity.

Varsha stands out in a swarm of interior designers because she truly delves into the depths of her clients’ imagination. She doesn’t just focus on how things seem on an aesthetic level but understands the feelings and dreams behind the design. With every endeavor that she undertakes, her vision is to create spaces that connect with the heart. Varsha’s journey has been about transforming ideas into real, tangible, and comforting spaces that truly reflect her client’s choices.


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